

Web Application Firewall

Application firewall products may also be called web application firewall, web security gateway, HTTP firewall, or WAF. Firewalls are the last line of defense but cannot be protected without vigilance from the IT staff.


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SSL Installation Service

You can buy almost all SSL Certificates for one year or above on any price range from any provider. However, We will help you installing the SSL Certificate to your website.

HTTP Security Headers

WebSecurityXpert has created 17 HTTP Security Headers to safeguard your website application, which includes WebSecurityXpert’s CSRF security.

Vulnerability Assessment Reporting

WebSecurityXpert is the leading web application security checker. Many companies depend on us to protect their platform against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Malware Removal Solution

Our experienced security engineers can handle any threats targeting websites, e-mail servers or desktop computers. We go far beyond merely fixing the infected computers.